Welcome to the CityCheers Super App

Sign up today to activate your app and start utilizing our powerful marketing features and ExpressCheck payment technology. 

It's free for bars and restaurants.

CityCheers Cantina Homepage and ExpressCheck screen

America's Hospitality Super App

The CityCheers Super App Infographic illustrates all the modulars and widgets that bar and restaurant operators use to connect and engage with their patrons.

CityCheers Hospitality Ecosystem

Please take a minute to watch our video and see how the CityCheers Super App will help you increase traffic and revenue at your venue.

Download the CityCheers Super App

And check out your custom IOS and Android App


Activate your app on the CityCheers Super App today!

Speak with a CityCheers Onboarding Rep Now

Hours: 8 am to 5 pm CT | Monday - Friday

After Hours: Leave your name and number and we will get back to you the next business day

Or Schedule a Call with us Today!